In a candid interview with Teju Babyface, veteran Nollywood actor Femi Brainard has revealed the challenges he faced after leaving the entertainment industry to relocate abroad. Despite his celebrity status in Nigeria, Brainard shared the stark reality of having to become a cab driver in America to provide for his family.
Reflecting on the advantages and challenges of his international move, Brainard emphasized that being a prominent figure in Nigeria holds preference over the anonymity he faced in America. He expressed, “As a celebrity, it’s preferable to be a prominent figure in Nigeria than to travel abroad and become unrecognized.”
The actor recounted the disbelief he often encountered from Nigerian passengers who recognized him but struggled to reconcile his celebrity status with his role as a cab driver. “Whenever people see me, especially Nigerian passengers, they often stare at me in disbelief, wondering if I’m indeed the familiar star they recognize,” Brainard shared.
He highlighted a crucial aspect of the transition, stating, “America does not recognize your stardom, nor does it respect your celebrity.” This revelation provides a glimpse into the unglamorous side of life for celebrities who navigate the challenges of establishing a new identity abroad.