A heart-wrenching incident unfolded at Olorunsogo Street, Ejigbo, in Lagos State, as a three-year-old boy, simply identified as Michael, lost his life in a fire outbreak sparked by a melted candle. The Lagos State Police Command has initiated an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the tragic event that occurred around 11:10 p.m. on Saturday.
According to reports gathered, the fire, ignited by a candle in one of the rooms, quickly engulfed the entire compound, destroying 10 rooms and properties worth millions of naira. The intensity of the blaze resulted in the complete burning of young Michael, the son of Mr. Ayo.
A resident in the area, identified as Dapo, expressed shock at the devastating impact of the incident, emphasizing the dangers associated with the use of candles. “Candles are not advisable to use at all because I wonder how just one candle destroyed millions of naira,” he remarked.
Emergency responders, including the Lagos State Fire Fighters and the Lagos State Ambulance Service, swiftly arrived at the scene to contain the fire and evacuate the boy’s remains. Police officers also ensured the area was secured as investigations commenced.
Confirming the tragic incident, the state’s command Police Public Relations Officer, Benjamin Hundeyin, assured that the situation was under control and being closely monitored. “An investigation is ongoing,” he affirmed.