TUC Rejects Federal Government’s N48,000 Proposed Minimum Wage

The Trade Union Congress (TUC) has firmly rejected the Federal Government’s proposed minimum wage of N48,000, denouncing it as nonsensical and inadequate. TUC President Festus Osifo criticized the government’s offer, stating that it demonstrated a lack of seriousness in negotiations with workers.

Osifo highlighted that the lowest-paid federal workers already earn up to N77,000, emphasizing that the proposed N48,000 wage was insufficient and fell far below the current standard. He questioned the rationale behind the government’s proposal, especially considering the existing wage structure.

Challenging the Federal Government to provide data supporting the N48,000 offer, Osifo called for transparency and clarity in the negotiation process. He reiterated the union’s demand for a minimum wage that accurately reflects the reality of the average Nigerian worker’s needs.

Earlier on Wednesday, labour unions walked out of ongoing negotiations after deeming the government’s offer as ridiculous. Osifo revealed that during the meeting, the labour unions had proposed a minimum wage of N615,000, supported by a detailed breakdown. However, the government presented the N48,000 figure without providing adequate justification or a breakdown of expenses.

Osifo emphasized that the lack of preparedness on the government’s part led to the breakdown in negotiations, prompting the union leaders to walk out. He reiterated the union’s stance that discussions on a new national minimum wage must be concluded by the end of May.

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