Tension Mounts Among Nurses Over New Certification Guidelines in Nigeria

Tensions are escalating within the National Association of Nigeria Nurses and Midwives (NANNM) as nurses across the country threaten to confront the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN) over recently introduced guidelines for certificate verification.

Nurses and midwives have expressed dismay over the deactivation of the NMCN verification portal since December 2023, alleging that it impedes their freedom to explore career opportunities abroad. They also suspect it’s linked to the government’s efforts to curb healthcare workers’ migration for better prospects overseas.

The NMCN, tasked with ensuring safe and effective nursing and midwifery care delivery, issued revised guidelines for certificate verification on February 7, 2024. These guidelines mandate applicants to have a minimum of two years’ post-qualification experience, along with active practicing licenses.

However, the new directives have sparked discontent among nurses, who view them as a violation of their rights and an embarrassment to the profession. Plans for protests, including a peaceful walk to the NMCN office in Yaba, Lagos, have been circulated on social media platforms, with nurses expressing their opposition to the regulations.

One nurse, @Nrs_Danie, shared a flier detailing a planned protest in Abuja, urging financial support from colleagues and allies to challenge what they perceive as unjust regulations. The sentiment was echoed by @KelvinOssai, who highlighted concerns about government interference in nurses’ licensure without addressing broader issues like healthcare infrastructure and salaries.

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