Ogun at 48: Governor Abiodun Reaffirms Commitment to State’s Prosperity and Unity

In a heartfelt address marking the 48th anniversary of Ogun State’s creation, Governor Prince Dapo Abiodun extended his congratulations to the citizens, reaffirming his administration’s dedication to the state’s development and the well-being of its people. Celebrating the strides made since 1976, Governor Abiodun highlighted Ogun’s transformation into a beacon of industry, education, and cultural prosperity in Nigeria, thanks to the collective efforts of its citizens and the foundations laid by previous administrations.

Governor Abiodun’s speech emphasized the peaceful coexistence that has characterized the state over the past nearly five decades, urging the populace to continue in this spirit of unity for the sake of further progress. He promised to maintain the state’s positive growth trajectory, leveraging the ‘Building Our Future Together’ mantra, encapsulated in the ISEYA initiative, to address key areas such as infrastructure, education, healthcare, agriculture, and job creation.

Acknowledging the challenges ahead, Governor Abiodun pledged to work diligently towards creating an inclusive environment that fosters growth and prosperity for all Ogun citizens. He called for a renewed commitment to unity and collaboration between the government and the people to overcome any challenges and build a future filled with opportunity and happiness for every inhabitant of the state.

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