Nigerian Troops Uncover ISWAP Bread Factory in Borno State

Troops of Operation Lake Sanity III, operating under Operation Hadin Kai, have made a significant discovery in their ongoing efforts to combat insurgency in Borno State. Reports indicate that the troops uncovered an Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) terrorist bread production factory concealed within their hideout in Maisani, Timbuktu Triangle, Damboa Local Government Area.

Security analyst and counter-insurgency expert, Zagazola Makama, revealed that the discovery was made during an exploitation mission into the terrorists’ den by the combined troops of 199 Special Forces Battalion, Hybrid Forces, and Civilian JTF (Joint Task Force). The factory was subsequently destroyed, with items recovered including two Lister generating plants, a baking machine, and various baking materials.

The revelation of the bread factory came amidst a week-long clearance operation aimed at eliminating the terrorist presence in the Timbuktu Triangle. This region, comprising Buk 1, 2, and 3, Talala, Ajigin, Dusula, Abulam, and Gorgi, is known for harboring extremist groups responsible for attacks, ambushes, and IED/mine incidents targeting key routes and infrastructure.

Despite the challenging terrain characterized by fortified camps concealed under dense foliage and scattered IEDs, the troops demonstrated unwavering determination and high fighting efficiency throughout the operation. Makama emphasized the troops’ resilience in tackling the complexities of the terrain and neutralizing the threat posed by the extremist groups operating in the area.


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