Nigerian Railway Corporation Clarifies Circumstances Surrounding Policeman’s Death on Kaduna – Abuja Train

The Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC) addressed concerns on Tuesday regarding the tragic demise of a police escort on duty aboard the Kaduna – Abuja train on April 5, emphasizing that the officer received medical attention onboard.

In a statement released to journalists, the NRC management refuted claims of inadequate medical personnel on board, asserting that there was a well-trained medical doctor present during the incident. Additionally, a passenger, who happened to be a medical practitioner, provided assistance.

Contrary to reports, the NRC confirmed the availability of medical personnel and equipped medical facilities to address emergency health challenges for passengers. The statement clarified that Mariam Abdulai, the medical personnel on duty, along with the assisting passenger, made efforts to revive the ailing police officer, unfortunately without success.

Titled “We have medical personnel on our train – NRC sympathizes with family of cop,” the statement expressed heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family of the late police inspector, Nambut Selbol, who was escorting the Abuja – Kaduna train service on the unfortunate day.


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