Governor Seyi Makinde Condemns Brutalization of OYRTMA Officials by Nigeria Immigration Service

Oyo State Governor, Seyi Makinde, has strongly denounced the brutalization of two officials from the State Road Transport Management Agency (OYRTMA) by officers of the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) in Ibadan, the state capital.

During visits to the residences of the assaulted officials, Nurudeen Abiola and Taiwo Adeagbo, as well as the state Command of the NIS, Governor Makinde expressed outrage over the inhumane treatment meted out to the OYRTMA officials for simply apprehending an immigration officer who had violated traffic regulations.

Makinde emphasized the unacceptability of such behavior, stressing that regardless of one’s affiliation with federal agencies, all individuals are subject to the laws of the state. He pledged that the government would take decisive action to ensure justice is served and the perpetrators are held accountable.

The governor instructed the Attorney-General to pursue legal action against the implicated individuals, including writing to the Immigration authorities and initiating prosecution. He emphasized the importance of enforcing the rule of law and fostering better cooperation among security agencies within the state.

Speaking at the NIS office in Agodi Gate, Ibadan, where he met with Comptroller Abdulrasheed Ademola, Governor Makinde called for enhanced intra- and inter-agency collaboration among security agencies. He emphasized the need to prevent a recurrence of such incidents, asserting the state’s commitment to upholding the rule of law and maintaining zero tolerance for traffic violations.


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