Former Senator Blames National Assembly for Nigeria’s Economic Woes

Former Nigerian Senator Ita Enang has placed blame on the National Assembly for the nation’s escalating debt profile and the depreciation of the naira. Enang, who previously served as Special Adviser to President Muhammadu Buhari on National Assembly matters, made these assertions during the public presentation of Oversight Magazine in Abuja.

Enang criticized both chambers of the National Assembly for failing to fulfill their oversight responsibilities effectively. He highlighted the absence of published reports on oversight functions and the lack of scrutiny regarding the nation’s mounting debt. According to Enang, the failure of the legislature to monitor budget execution and project implementation has contributed to Nigeria’s economic challenges.

Despite acknowledging the parliament’s oversight role in scrutinizing Ministries, Departments, and Agencies, Enang lamented the absence of deliberations on oversight reports within the parliament. He attributed the executive arm’s failure to implement policies partly to the poor oversight function of the National Assembly and state Houses of Assembly across the country.

Additionally, Enang criticized the lack of accountability regarding borrowed funds, questioning whether loans were invested in projects that generate revenue to repay the debts. He emphasized the need for transparency in loan utilization and accused the legislature of neglecting its duty to demand accountability from the executive.

Echoing Enang’s sentiments, Chairman of the House Committee on Judiciary, Oluwole Oke, acknowledged the challenges hindering effective oversight, including inadequate funding and capacity constraints. He emphasized the importance of the media in promoting transparent governance and urged journalists to scrutinize legislative affairs critically.

Similarly, lawmaker Austin Akobundu stressed the significance of oversight in promoting transparency, accountability, and ethical standards in governance. He emphasized the role of monitoring and evaluation in ensuring government accountability and urged for increased media scrutiny of democratic institutions.


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