Doctors Express Concern Over High Cost of Drugs in Nigeria

Doctors represented by the National Association of Public Health Physicians of Nigeria have raised alarm over the exorbitant prices of drugs in the country, stating that it exacerbates the challenges faced by Nigerians, especially those grappling with various health conditions. Prof. Alphonso Isara, the association’s President, voiced these concerns during the 40th Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference held in Akure, Ondo State.

The theme of the conference, “Repositioning Public Health in a New Political Dispensation,” highlighted the pressing need to address the multifaceted issues plaguing the healthcare system in Nigeria. Isara underscored the detrimental impact of the socio-economic crisis on healthcare, citing brain drain and the subsequent depletion of the health workforce as significant challenges. Additionally, he emphasized that policies and conditions hindering the effective operation of drug manufacturing companies further exacerbate the inaccessibility of medical products to the majority of citizens.

Isara pledged the association’s commitment to collaborating with relevant stakeholders, including the Federal Ministry of Health, to address the prevailing challenges and support initiatives aimed at revitalizing the healthcare sector. He emphasized the importance of advocacy, service delivery, stakeholder engagement, and capacity building in achieving a better healthcare system in Nigeria.

During the conference, Isara outlined the agenda for brainstorming sessions and scientific presentations aimed at generating solutions to the current healthcare delivery challenges. He highlighted the imperative of repositioning public health services to enhance effectiveness and efficiency in healthcare delivery.

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