Christopher Kolade Criticizes Modern Nigerian Politicians for Prioritizing Personal Interests Over National Interest

Christopher Kolade, former Nigerian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, has voiced strong criticism against contemporary Nigerian politicians, accusing them of prioritizing personal interests over the national interest. In an interview with Channels Television, Kolade lamented the shift in political ethos from the era of the First Republic, highlighting a departure from selfless service to the nation.

Reflecting on his own stance on politics, Kolade revealed that he refrained from entering the political arena due to concerns about compromising his values and principles. He emphasized the contrast between past politicians, particularly those from the First Republic, who he believes genuinely served Nigeria’s interests, often at personal sacrifice. Kolade recalled that many politicians from that era faced imprisonment for their convictions, underscoring their commitment to the country’s welfare.

Kolade expressed disappointment at the current state of Nigerian politics, observing a prevalent trend among modern politicians to prioritize personal gain above the welfare of the nation. He cited this shift as a significant departure from the ethos of the past, where politicians placed national interests ahead of their own ambitions.

Furthermore, Kolade shared insights into his decision-making process during his tenure as the chair of the Subsidy Re-investment and Empowerment Programme (SURE-P) under the Goodluck Jonathan administration. Despite receiving advice against accepting the role to safeguard his reputation, Kolade ultimately chose to accept the position, driven by a sense of duty and responsibility. He underscored the importance of individuals stepping up to fulfill crucial roles, even in the face of personal risk or scrutiny.

However, Kolade’s tenure at SURE-P was not without challenges, as he eventually resigned in 2013 citing concerns related to age, corruption, and transparency issues. His decision to step down underscores his unwavering commitment to ethical governance and accountability, despite facing systemic challenges within the political landscape.

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