ASUU Issues Ultimatum to Tinubu-led Government, Highlights Grievances

The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has given the President Bola Tinubu-led Federal Government a two-week ultimatum, warning of potential industrial crises in universities if pressing challenges are not addressed promptly. This ultimatum follows a meeting convened by ASUU’s National Executive Council at the University of Abuja, where the union evaluated the administration’s performance and identified key grievances.

Addressing journalists, ASUU’s National President, Prof. Emmanuel Osodeke, expressed disappointment with the government’s lack of decisive action in addressing critical issues plaguing public universities. Osodeke outlined nine “sins” of the Tinubu administration, underscoring areas of contention:

1. Renegotiation of the FGN/ASUU 2009 agreement: ASUU reiterated its longstanding demand for the renegotiation of the 2009 agreement, citing dissatisfaction with the government’s refusal to approve proposed amendments and inadequate salary adjustments.

2. Governing Councils in universities: ASUU criticized the government’s dissolution of governing councils in federal universities, highlighting concerns over the absence of transparent governance structures and the usurpation of council powers by outgoing Vice-Chancellors.

3. Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System (IPPIS): ASUU raised objections to the continued use of IPPIS for salary payments despite previous agreements to exempt academics. The union reaffirmed its stance against IPPIS implementation, citing discrepancies between agreements and government actions.

4. New Curriculum for Universities: ASUU rejected the implementation of the Core Curriculum Minimum Academic Standards (CCMAS) by the National Universities Commission (NUC), citing financial burdens and inadequate consultation with stakeholders.

5. Proliferation of Universities: ASUU criticized the proliferation of universities by federal and state governments, cautioning against prioritizing political interests over academic quality and funding.

6. Funding of Universities: ASUU condemned the diversion of TETFund intervention funds to student loan schemes, urging governments to prioritize adequate funding to address infrastructure decay and academic needs.

7. Creeping Fascism in Nigerian universities: ASUU decried unjust dismissals of its members in various universities, labeling such actions as fascist and pledging solidarity with affected faculty.

8. Arrears of Earned Allowances and Non-release of Salaries: ASUU expressed dismay over the non-payment of Earned Academic Allowances and withheld salaries, warning of potential repercussions if grievances remain unaddressed.

9. State of the Nation: ASUU highlighted the socio-economic crisis in Nigeria, emphasizing the widening gap between the affluent and impoverished segments of society. The union called on the government to urgently address these challenges and restore confidence in national leadership.


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