
Yul Edochie Advocates for Embracing Tradition and Culture to Break Free from Slavery


Nollywood actor Yul Edochie has issued a passionate call to Nigerians to embrace their traditional heritage and culture as a means to break free from the shackles of mental enslavement.

Taking to his Instagram page, the actor, who recently launched an online church, emphasized the importance of respecting and preserving traditional deities, cautioning against the practice of burning shrines. He challenged the notion perpetuated by colonial influences that traditional practices are inherently evil, arguing that such beliefs were propagated to facilitate the subjugation of indigenous peoples during the era of slavery.

“Deities are not evil; Nigerians should desist from burning shrines and traditional deities,” Edochie asserted. “It was the white man that convinced people to believe their traditions are evil; the ploy was to make us abandon our ways and embrace theirs so as to make slavery easy.”

Edochie urged Nigerians to awaken to the richness of their cultural heritage and recognize the inherent value in traditional practices, noting that many deities acknowledge the existence of a supreme being. He cautioned against the reckless destruction of cultural artifacts and urged individuals to approach unfamiliar traditions with respect and curiosity rather than disdain.

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