In a tragic turn of events, two policemen met their untimely demise in Ikpeshi, a community in Akoko-Edo local government area, after their convoy collided with a motorcycle, resulting in the death of the rider and passenger.
The unfortunate incident occurred as the policemen, escorting former Edo State House of Assembly member Hon Emmanuel Agbaje, were travelling in a Hilux vehicle. Angered by the accident, irate youths stormed the Edo State Security Volunteer Network (vigilante) office where the policemen were taken into custody, assaulting them. Two officers, identified as Inspector Abuba Karku and Sergeant Elisha John, succumbed to their injuries, while the other two are receiving medical treatment at Ifejola HospitaI Garra.
The affected officers, hailing from Police Mobile Force 19 in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, found themselves amid tragedy when their convoy collided with a motorcycle, leading to the immediate death of the rider and passenger. In a swift escalation, enraged locals launched a brutal attack on the policemen, resulting in fatal consequences.
Edo State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Chidi Nwabuzor, confirmed the incident while pledging to provide further details in due course.
Expressing condemnation for the violence, Hon Tajudeen Alade, chairman of Akoko-Edo local government area, denounced the actions of the youths and applauded the vigilante’s efforts to intervene. He vowed to ensure that those responsible for the officers’ deaths were brought to justice and offered support to the bereaved family members affected by the tragedy.