Nollywood actor Timini Egbuson has fired back at his colleague Zubby Michael following a recent claim that Zubby could buy him. The exchange began when Zubby asserted himself as the ‘biggest actor’ in Africa during the first episode of the Prime Video reality show, ‘Ebuka Turns Up Africa,’ leading Timini to challenge this declaration.
In response to Timini’s challenge, Zubby asserted his financial capacity to purchase Timini, a statement that evidently didn’t sit well with the latter. Timini, addressing the matter in another episode of the show, emphasized that Zubby lacked sufficient knowledge about him to brag about having the financial resources to acquire him.
Timini went on to critique Zubby and his peers for showcasing borrowed cars on social media, stating, “You don’t know shit about who I am. Because you have all this your Igbo connect that you people will borrow each other’s cars and do all those things, you think you have seen me finish? What do you even know about me bro?” The retort adds a layer of tension to the ongoing exchange between the two actors.