
South East Youth Coalition Warns Against Divisive Tactics Over Development Commission

The Coalition of South East Youth for Democracy (CESYD) has expressed concerns over attempts to foster disunity in the Southeast region. In a statement titled “Stop using reverse psychology to cause division in Igboland,” the group called on individuals promoting division to cease their actions and allow the region to focus on development.

Led by Comrade Wisdom Akunna Fabulous, CESYD warned that those attempting to hijack the South East Development Commission (SEDC) by installing stooges to divert public funds for personal gain would be named and shamed. The group condemned such efforts, stating they deprive the Igbo people of the benefits they deserve.

The organization addressed the ongoing controversy surrounding the establishment of SEDC, noting that the widespread praise following the passage and signing of the SEDC bill was genuine. CESYD highlighted the instrumental role played by the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Benjamin Okezie Kalu, in making the SEDC Act a reality.

The group criticized comparisons of Kalu’s efforts with those of previous representatives, describing them as a form of reverse psychology aimed at creating division among stakeholders. CESYD labeled such tactics as unnecessary and harmful, warning against further attempts to exploit the situation.

CESYD reiterated its support for leaders committed to the sociopolitical progress of Igboland, including the Deputy Speaker. The group called on those seeking to undermine the SEDC for personal gain to desist, promising to expose and hold accountable anyone involved in such actions.

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