Mathieu van der Poel Dominates Paris-Roubaix with Record-Breaking Performance

Mathieu van der Poel, the Dutch world champion, delivered a sensational solo performance to defend his Paris-Roubaix title, breaking his own record time in the process. The 29-year-old attacked an astonishing 60km from the finish and stormed to victory, beating his previous record by almost three minutes.

Key Points:

  • Record-Breaking Performance: Van der Poel’s remarkable solo attack saw him break his own record time for the Paris-Roubaix race, completing the route at the fastest average speed in the event’s history.
  • Monument Milestone: This victory marked Van der Poel’s sixth win in a Monument, solidifying his status as one of road cycling’s most dominant riders in one-day races.
  • Emotional Response: Van der Poel expressed his disbelief and joy at his achievement, stating that he could never have dreamed of such success as a child. He dedicated the win to showcasing the rainbow jersey (worn by the world champion) in a memorable way.
  • Team Support: Van der Poel’s Alpecin-Deceuninck team played a crucial role in keeping him out of danger and providing the platform for his decisive attack. Their support allowed him to ride into the famous Roubaix velodrome with a significant lead.
  • Rivalry and Competition: Despite the absence of key rival Wout van Aert due to injury, Van der Poel faced fierce competition throughout the race. His Belgian teammate Jasper Philipsen finished second, while Denmark’s Mads Pedersen rounded out the podium.
  • British Performances: Fred Wright was the highest-placed British rider, finishing 13th, while Tom Pidcock made his senior debut and finished 17th. However, Britain’s Josh Tarling was disqualified early in the race for gaining an illegal tow.


Mathieu van der Poel’s dominant performance at Paris-Roubaix solidifies his reputation as a cycling powerhouse and further cements his place among the sport’s elite. His record-breaking victory will go down in cycling history as a remarkable display of skill, determination, and tactical brilliance.

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