Popular Nigerian skit maker, Lord Lamba, has taken to social media to share heartwarming pictures of himself with his daughter, Princess Keilah. The images were posted just hours after former BBNaija housemate, Queen Atang, announced her engagement.
This marks the first time Lord Lamba has publicly shared pictures of their child. While rumors circulated about him being the father of Queen’s child, Keirah, born on December 25, 2022, Lord Lamba had neither confirmed nor denied the speculations initially.
However, breaking his silence, Lord Lamba chose this moment to share adorable pictures of Princess Keilah, only hours after Queen’s engagement revelation. The Instagram post featured a caption introducing Princess Keilah Kelvin Anagbogu with affectionate terms.
This revelation adds a new dimension to Lord Lamba’s public persona, showcasing a personal aspect of his life. The timing of the post, coupled with Queen Atang’s engagement announcement, has sparked considerable attention and reactions on social media.
As Lord Lamba opens up about his family life, fans are eager to witness how this development unfolds and what more surprises might be in store.