
Kano State Anti-Corruption Chairman Appeals Against Suspension Ruling

Muhuyi Magaji, Chairman of the Kano State Public Complaints and Anti-Corruption Commission, has lodged an appeal against the ruling of the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT), which ordered his suspension from office. The CCT had arraigned Magaji on various counts related to conflict of interest and false declaration of assets, among others.

In response, Magaji, through his lawyer Adeola Adedipe (SAN), challenged the competence of the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) to prosecute him, citing a previous court order restraining the CCB’s interference in his affairs until the matter is resolved. Despite his plea of not guilty and admission to bail, the CCT ordered his suspension pending the determination of the case.

Unsatisfied with the ruling, Magaji has taken the matter to the Court of Appeal in Abuja, seeking redress. In his appeal, dated April 5, he argues that the CCT’s ruling denied him the right to fair trial and presumed innocence, effectively determining his guilt prematurely. He also contends that the tribunal overstepped its jurisdiction by granting reliefs sought by the CCB and making specific orders to the Kano State governor and Secretary to the State Government.

Furthermore, Magaji’s lawyer has filed a motion seeking a stay of execution of the CCT’s order pending the appeal’s determination, as well as an injunction restraining the CCB from implementing the tribunal’s decisions until the appeal is heard.


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