
Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry Resigns Amidst Mounting Chaos

Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry has tendered his resignation following weeks of escalating chaos in the Caribbean nation, marked by gang violence and social unrest pushing the country to the brink of collapse. In a late-night video address on Monday, Henry announced his government’s departure from power, pending the establishment of a transitional council aimed at restoring stability and paving the way for elections.

Henry emphasized the urgent need for peace and stability in Haiti, stating, “Haiti needs peace. Haiti needs stability.” He outlined plans for his government to serve as a caretaker until the transitional council appoints a new prime minister and cabinet.

The decision to resign comes amidst growing international concerns and efforts to address the deteriorating situation in Haiti. The Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM), meeting in Jamaica, announced the agreement to establish a transitional council to facilitate a peaceful transition of power and ensure continuity of governance.

Ariel Henry’s ability to govern effectively has been severely hampered by the escalating violence and insecurity in Haiti. His recent trip to Kenya, intended to secure assistance in restoring security, was overshadowed by the worsening situation back home, preventing his return as gangs targeted key government institutions.

The United States has pledged significant support for a multinational security mission led by Kenya, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken announcing a $300 million contribution towards the initiative, along with additional humanitarian assistance for Haiti.

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