Nollywood actor and director, Charles Inojie, expresses profound grief over the untimely demise of his colleague, John Okafor, widely known as Mr Ibu, labeling it as an “irreparable loss” to the Nigerian movie industry.
In a recent interview with Channels TV, Inojie pays tribute to the late comic actor, emphasizing that Mr Ibu’s unique talent and charisma made him irreplaceable in Nollywood. Inojie reflects on the significance of Mr Ibu’s presence in a film, stating, “There’s sometimes you lose a person in an industry and you say, well, so or so person would replace him. But Mr Ibu is irreplaceable. Mr Ibu spears with every part of his body.”
Inojie goes on to highlight Mr Ibu’s exceptional ability to convey profound messages without uttering a word, using his facial expressions, body language, and gestures. He adds, “He is probably one of the few people in Africa that would sit without saying anything would communicate a million messages with his facial expressions, body language, and gestures without verbalizing just one word of dramatic dialogue.