
Bill Clinton Takes a Jab at Donald Trump and Highlights Kamala Harris’s Vision at DNC

Former President Bill Clinton, marking his 78th birthday, made a memorable appearance at the Democratic National Convention on August 21, delivering a notable critique of Donald Trump and emphasizing the vision of Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz for the future.

In a light-hearted moment, Clinton referenced his own age while making a pointed joke about Trump, who is also 78 but was born a few months earlier. “The only personal vanity that I want to assert is that I’m still younger than Donald Trump,” Clinton quipped.

Clinton also addressed Trump’s focus on crowd sizes, echoing a similar sentiment expressed by Barack Obama the previous night. “So, we’ve got to ask ourselves the question: Do you want to build a strong economy from the bottom, up, and the middle, out — or do you want to spend the next four years talking about crowd size?” he posed.

Furthering his critique, Clinton described the upcoming election as a choice between Harris, whom he described as a leader who “will ease our fears,” and Trump, whom he characterized as self-centered and divisive. “The next time you hear him, don’t count the lies. Count the I’s — his vendettas, his vengeance, his complaints, his conspiracies … he’s like a tenor trying to get his lungs open by singing, ‘me, me, me, me, me,’” Clinton said.

Contrasting this with Harris’s potential presidency, Clinton envisioned a leadership style focused on inclusivity and collective welfare: “When Kamala Harris is president, every day will begin with you, you, you, you, you,” he concluded.

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