In a disturbing turn of events, bandits have reportedly invaded the LEA Primary School in Kuriga, situated in the troubled Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State, kidnapping numerous pupils on Thursday morning.
According to a resident of the area, who spoke on condition of anonymity, the bandits, numbering in large groups, stormed the school and abducted no fewer than 100 pupils, including the head teacher and other staff members.
The incident unfolded around 8 am on Thursday, shortly after the morning assembly, leaving residents shocked by the audacity of the attackers. Eyewitnesses revealed that the bandits’ incursion prompted a chaotic scene as pupils fled in all directions upon spotting the armed assailants.
The abduction at LEA Primary School is part of a broader wave of violence in the region, with bandits targeting communities indiscriminately. Just the previous night, the bandits had launched an assault on the Gonin-Gora area of the same Chikun LGA, kidnapping an unspecified number of residents.
In response to the escalating insecurity, residents took to the Kaduna-Abuja Expressway, barricading the road in protest and calling on the government to intervene and address the recurring attacks by bandits in the area.
Tragically, the violence claimed the life of a pupil named Ahmed, who sustained gunshot wounds during the chaos and later succumbed to his injuries at Birnin-Gwari General Hospital.
While the official government response is awaited, concerns have been raised by Senator Shehu Sani, who represented Kaduna Central in the 8th National Assembly. Sani highlighted the gravity of the situation, stating that at least 232 individuals, including pupils, have been abducted by the hoodlums.
Kuriga village has been particularly vulnerable to such attacks, as evidenced by a previous incident where a school principal was killed, and his wife was kidnapped over a month ago.